OnOurOwn Productions began as a dream of two teenagers in high school. The dream was of an amateur theatre company putting on professional quality shows. A company where friends could come together for the common goal - ENTERTAINING!
OnOurOwn became a reality twenty one years ago when it produced a successful production of Biloxi Blues. Since then, the dream has spread and in November of 1997 OnOurOwn Productions incorporated and formed a Board of Directors.
As you watch our performances, you will feel the love of the company for the theatre, for each other, and for the dream. The feeling can be felt from the cast of friends on stage, the family and friends who make up the stage crew, and the family and friends who make up our Board of Directors.
OnOurOwn Productions goal is to bringing affordable theatre to a broad-based audience. The corporation is committed to making the performing arts available to everyone in the Metro Detroit area for a tenth of the cost of national performances.
Individuals within the nearby community are encouraged to contact us if they are interested in becoming a member of the OnOurOwn family!
Come join our audience and be prepared to be caught up in the dream!
OnOurOwn became a reality twenty one years ago when it produced a successful production of Biloxi Blues. Since then, the dream has spread and in November of 1997 OnOurOwn Productions incorporated and formed a Board of Directors.
As you watch our performances, you will feel the love of the company for the theatre, for each other, and for the dream. The feeling can be felt from the cast of friends on stage, the family and friends who make up the stage crew, and the family and friends who make up our Board of Directors.
OnOurOwn Productions goal is to bringing affordable theatre to a broad-based audience. The corporation is committed to making the performing arts available to everyone in the Metro Detroit area for a tenth of the cost of national performances.
Individuals within the nearby community are encouraged to contact us if they are interested in becoming a member of the OnOurOwn family!
Come join our audience and be prepared to be caught up in the dream!